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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gluten Gremlins

   What? Is that even real? Did you make that up? As a matter of fact it is and I most certainly did. I prefer to use fun names instead of boring scary ones like "contamination". These pesky little gluten gremlins can be lurking in all kinds of inconspicuous places. Does your family enjoy toast and sandwiches with peanut butter or mayonnaise? That's a prime suspect! You spread it across regular bread and double dip! Dropping crumbs for the unsuspecting Celiac to ingest! Another common place for gluten gremlins to take  refuge is on a salad. Example some name brand ranch dressings are gluten free. But some restaurant's make their own ranch, and they use a thickening agent made out of wheat. Or say you order a salad hold the croutons. Order comes out and guess what? Yep, they forgot. You of course send it back and don't mention why you ordered it that way to begin with. They just pick it off because you'll never know right? WRONG! You're sick that night and have no idea why. Well now you do. Are gluten gremlins sounding more real now? I hope so.
    After you start your gluten free diet you will soon realize just how bad your reaction is or isn't. Some people, like myself cannot handle trace amounts. So it's important to take the necessary steps to prevent it. Don't worry though I have a few pointers to help you out. Most important when shopping is double check labels. Something may not contain any gluten but may have been processed with it. Sometimes name brands are completely safe but store brands are not. Food isn't the only source of gluten either. Check your beauty supplies and your medicines. I have begun emailing companies to see which ones are Celiac friendly. Once I get my list together I will share my discoveries.
    Hopefully everyone is feeling good after going off gluten and my blog is helping make this easier. I've tried very hard to simplify this as much as possible. If you have any questions feel free to ask! I would love to hear from you! You can also sign up to follow my blog. Until next time!

Monday, January 30, 2012

A recipe so good the cookie monster will go gluten free

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
as much or as little chocolate chips as you want
Mix together and spoon dough onto cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 8-10 mins
Enjoy! See I told you gluten free could be easy and delicious! 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Gluten? Is that German??

    So obviously gluten allergies are still fairly new. It's not your standard allergy. It doesn't present itself the same as other food allergies. Every person can have a different onset, different symptoms, and tolerate varying degrees of gluten. And I'm sure you're wondering if people have asked me the above question. My answer is yes and more than once. I did get a good laugh each time. It opened the window to inform friends, family and complete strangers about this new aspect of my life.
     I want this blog to go in an exciting and informative direction from the start. I don't want it to be your regular boring information that you've read over and over. With so many medical terms and symptoms and just depressing news that makes this adjustment sound discouraging and overwhelming. Instead I want to motivate you to do what is needed for your health. Armed with information and tools to help you enjoy your food and feel great. While also carrying on with your normal activities.
     So many people don't change their habits because of money and lifestyle. Imagine eating as close to your normal as possible and only making small adjustments. While spending about the same amount of money and time. And the biggest reward of all FEELING AWESOME and being the best person you can. Which of course allows you to give the best of yourself to the ones who really matter most in your life!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

A little about myself :)

   Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting my blog! My name is Kyndalle Lindsey and I have Celiac Disease. The purpose of this blog is to increase awareness of the disease. I know going off gluten can be overwhelming at first. I hope this blog is encouraging for those who have been diagnosed and answers any questions you might have.
   Now to tell you about myself. I am twenty-five years old and I am from the Tulsa area. I am happily married and have been for five yrs. I am also lucky to be the mother of  two beautiful baby girls. Lorelai, age two and Kyleigh age one. They are one year and three weeks apart. That's just one aspect of my crazy beautiful life. 
     I was diagnosed with Celiac's Diseease on December 21,2010. And it has made such an impact in my life. It's hard to explain but I feel more myself off gluten. My life is ten thousand times better because I feel so much better. Before going off gluten I heard people say you will feel like a whole new person. And I now know exactly what they mean.
     There are so many people who are unaware of Celiac's Disease and the devastating consequences if left untreated. As someone who suffers from a gluten allergy I feel responsible to educate the community. Be sure to check back often because I will be telling you more about my journey off gluten, answering questions, giving advice, and sharing recipes.